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Дача в Силламяги
Николай Никанорович Дубовской

Одним из известных прихожан Силламяэской церкви был Николай Никанорович Дубовской(1859-1918). Силламяэ был излюбленным местом отдыха ученых, художников, артистов, музыкантов.
Николай Никанорович Дубовской — крупный русский живописец отечественной пейзажной школы рубежа ХIХ и ХХ веков, видный общественный деятель, член и впоследствии один из руководителей Товарищества передвижников ...

(статья полностью)


Я прочитала, что самая ужасная ересь, ересь всех ересей, это гностицизм. С самого начала существования Церкви он был врагом номер один христианства. И сегодня он губит многих. И ещё заявит о себе на последнем этапе истории. Не могли бы Вы рассказать об этом явлении?
 А.Н.Злобина, г.Минск

Гностицизм переживал расцвет в первые века нашей эры. Он был смертельным врагом христианства, несмотря на то, что или, вернее, оттого что большая часть гностических систем утверждалась на христианских основах. Долгое время даже бытовало мнение, что гностицизм — всецело явление христианской ереси. Церковь всегда питала отвращение к феномену гностицизма. Писания святых отцов убедительно свидетельствуют об этом. В этом противостоянии термин «гнозис» — «знание» — был антиподом «пистис» — «вера», указывающая на отношение к тайне христианского откровения. Гностик практически стал противоположностью верующего
.. (далее).



Главная О храме Адрес Расписания


Справка Church  in Sillamae Старый храм Памятник храму Раскопки Кочуров И.А. Прихожане о храме




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...И всё-таки никакая другая Литургия не может встать вровень с той, что происходит ночью на Гробе Господнем в Иерусалимском храме Воскресения...


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12 July 2024 г.









Church in Sillamae


Church of the Icon of the Virgin of Kazan in Sillamae


In the 19th century the Estonian village Sllamaggi (today the town of Sillamae, its population - about fourteen thousand) and the area around it came to the attention of artists, writers, musicians and scientists who took to spending summers here on the Baltic sea coast enjoying the natural beauty of the place and its mild climate. In summer the population of the resort significantly increased because of the influx of such holiday makers from St. Petersburg. Among them were composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky, researcher Ivan Pavlov, artist Konstantin Somov, poet Konstantin Balmont.


For decades, the picturesque seaside resort attracted not only those in search of relaxation, but also those seeking inspiration. To meet their spiritual and religious needs, help people, as well as to provide guidance for performance of acts of mercy by churchmen, various events were organized to raise funds for construction of an Orthodox church in a nearby place called Kannuka. The fundraising took two years, and the church was built to the design of architect Montaga, most of the funds were donated by eminent visitors of the vacation resort. The temple was consecrated on July 12, 1898. At the time the church was running an orphanage and a work-house manufacturing textiles.


The church deans were elected by competition between priests from the Narva and Jõhvi parishes. Church services in Sillamae were held during summer holidays, and priests could have board, lodging and certain remuneration for holding of services.

Starting with 1912 for over five years services in the temple were conducted by Father Ioann Kochurov, a priest and a catechist teaching the Law of the Lord in the Narva Russian gymnasiums. Prior to his assignment to Narva, from 1895 until 1907, Father Ioann served as a priest in Chicago, USA (Fr. John of Chicago) working together with Bishop Tikhon Bellavin, the future Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow. For his labor, as well as for participation in the construction and establishment of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago Fr. Ioann got a Certificate of Merit from the then US president (in addition to other awards from St. Petersburg authorities), and later became an honorary citizen of Chicago.


In 1916, archpriest Ioann was transferred back to Russia to Tsarskoye Selo, a suburb of Petrograd, to become a member of the clergy of St. Catherine’s Cathedral. This is where he was brutally murdered in the course of revolutionary events in October 1917 while zealously fulfilling the obligations of his rank and protecting his flock. In 1993 archpriest Father Ioann Kochurov was consecrated a new Russian martyr.


During WWII the Sillamae church was razed to the ground, and it was only 50 years later, in 1990, when the local orthodox parish community was officially registered under the Church of the Icon of the Virgin of Kazan, which re-opened in Sillamae with Archpriest Alexander Pidvysotsky as its Dean. At that time the church was just a one-storey Finnish house in Rechnaya street on the bank of the river Sytke. The house was converted for the church needs: the walls and partitions inside the house were removed, the altar space separated from the rest of the floor area, the dome with a cross was put up, and on March 29, 1990 the Most Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexey the Second issued the decree governing inauguration of an orthodox parish community in the town of Sillamae, and on April 4, 1990 the temple was consecrated.


In July, 1995 the belfry was completed, the roof with the dome and a cross was put up - thus the church acquired traditional architectural features of a Russian Orthodox temple.  And finally on July 29, 1995 the temple was consecrated by Cornelius, Archbishop of Tallinn and All Estonia.

Since 1999 hitherto duties of Father Superior of the Church have been performed by archpriest Nikolay Terentjev, and in 2002 the position of the second priest was taken by priest Vladimir Lihhachev, who holds it to the present day.

Today the church runs a Sunday School, organizes pilgrim journeys and maintains close contacts with other parishes.