New Text For
Feast Of St. John Of Chicago
The Feast Of St John Of Chicago
Saturday, October 30 - 6.00 pm Vigil
Sunday, October 31 - 9.30 am - Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
His Eminence, Archbishop JOB
His Beatitude, Metropolitan THEODOSIUS
His Eminence, Archbishop NATHANIEL
Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral
1121 North Leavitt St.
Chicago. IL
Lord, I have cried... Tone 4
Rejoice O holy Father John of Chicago
Missionary and Evangelizer of America
You left your native land to minister to Christ's people in the New
Like Abraham you were a stranger in a strange land and like the
patriarch you never lost your faith in God You zealously instructed
your flock in the Orthodox Faith
guiding them through a land of strange beliefs as through the 'and
of Canaan
you firmly established your flock in the True Faith//
As a true emulator of the Apostles and intercessor for our souls.
Rejoice O holy Father John Evangelizer of Chicago
You embodied the virtues of the Apostles
with your family you traveled to the New World to minister to
Christ's people
Through patience, tolerance, and love
you built up a strong foundation for Orthodoxy throughout the
Always acting in humility and in obedience to the Will of God//
By your prayers preserve the Church in peace and save our souls.
Rejoice O holy Father John Martyr of Tsarskoe Selo
Returning to Russia you found Christ's people beset by godless
With love and zeal you ministered to your flock
Not caring about wars, or rumors of wars//
but only for the peace and salvation of all.
Rejoice O glorious John true- disciple of the Lord
To those consumed by the darkness of this world the light of your
virtues was blinding
when they sought to extinguish the light
You were praying not for the victory of an earthly kingdom
but for the peace of the Kingdom of Heaven
With malice the godless ones insulted and persecuted you
filled with hate they put you to a gruesome death
granting you the victory that they had sought//
O pious and holy Hieromartyr pray unceasingly that our souls may be
Glory, Tone 6
Rejoice O city of Chicago
leap for joy O Tsarskoe Selo
you have shared in the blessed presence of the holy Hieromartyr John
Faithful and Righteous Priest of Christ
Zealous teacher and defender of the Truth
enlightener of the confused, consoler of the distraught
and rescuer of those gone astray
True shepherd and pastor of the Flock of Christ
Who with the holy Patriarch Tikhon and the holy Hieromartyr
Alexander illumined
North America with the rays of Orthodoxy
And struggled unto death in defense of the Faith in Russia against
the godless pow'rs//
With them he prays for the peace of the world and the salvation of
our souls..
Both now.. Resurrectional Dogmatik Tone 6
Wisdom 3:1-9
Proverbs 10:31-11:10
Wisdom 4:7-15
Tone 6:
Rejoice 0 city of Chicago
leap for joy O Tsarskoe Selo
you have shared in the blessed presence of the- holy Hieromartyr
Faithful and Righteous Priest of Christ
Zealous teacher and defender of the Truth
enlightener of the confused, consoler of the distraught
and rescuer of those gone astray
True shepherd and pastor of the Flock of Christ
Who with the holy Patriarch Tikhon and the holy Hieromartyr
illumined North America with the rays of Orthodoxy
And struggled unto death in defense of the Faith in Russia against
the godless pow'rs//
With them he prays for the peace of the world and the salvation of
our souls.
Glory... now and ever ...
Tone 2 (To the special melody: Joseph of Arimathea)
Rejoice O holy Father John,
great builder of the Church.
As you built a great temple to the Holy Trinity,
so also you built up the Church of Christ in the Old World and the
By your words and deeds you added soul upon soul,
and stone upon stone,
sealing your work with the mortar of your blood.
Now by your prayers preserve the Church in peace
and save our souls!
Tone 2 (To the special melody: Joseph of Arimathea)
Come, let us assemble today
and glorify our holy father John,
missionary and Hieromartyr;
temple-builder and pillar of the Church;
teacher and guardian of the True Faith;
minister of the Bloodless Sacrifice
and a bloodied sacrifice;
true pastor and shepherd, //
who offered himself for the flock of Christ.
Verse: The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree; he shall
grow like a
cedar in Lebanon.
Come, let us praise Saint John of Chicago,
who came to the Orthodox people in a new land,
a land of diverse cultures and doctrines.
Through word and deed he educated and preserved them in their
ancestral Faith,
ensuring that the fight of Orthodoxy would always shine in the New
guiding all peoples to the knowledge of Truth.
Let us glorify him, //
that through his intercessions our souls may be saved.
Verse: Those who are planted in the house of the Lord, shall
flourish in the
courts of our God
Come, let us honor the holy Hieromartyr John,
pastor of the Church in the Old World and the New.
He imitated the Good Shepherd in all things,
tending his flock not as a hireling, but as a true shepherd of his
for, when the godless pow'rs descended on the church like wolves,
he laid down his life for his sheep,
thereby receiving a martyr's crown, //
He now stands before the Chief Shepherd ceaselessly praying for our
Glory... Tone 5
(To the special melody Joseph together with Nicodemus)
Rejoice, O holy Father John, great pastor of the Church of Christ!
You were a source of comfort and consolation to your people,
ministering to their needs as a servant of servants,
guiding them in an alien land, like Abraham of old.
Returning to your native land, you likewise. offered consolation
to a people beset by evil and civil war.
You did not condemn the warring parties,
but ceaselessly prayed to Christ for the restoration of peace and
the end of suffering.
For this you endured insult and injury,
bearing all in a Christ-like manner,
even unto the forfeit of your earthly life.
Now, as you stand before the Prince of Peace, //
intercede with Him that He may grant peace to the world and
salvation to our souls!
Both now .. Tone 5
Tone I
You were revealed to all as a true shepherd
O Hieromartyr John of Chicago
For you nurtured your people in the Orthodox Faith
Guiding them by word and deed on the path of salvation
And defended the Faith even unto to the shedding of your blood
wherefore we your spiritual children cry out in thanksgiving
Glory to Him Who gave you strength
Glory to Him who granted you the Martyr's crown//
Glory to Him Who through you grants mercy to all
Glory .. now and ever ...
When Gabriel announced to you O Virgin. Rejoice ...
First Kathisma
Tone 1
You were shown to be an embodiment of virtues
A zealous teacher and defender of the Faith
And a true shepherd of your flock
Now you have gone to your Just reward
O righteous priest and martyr John//
Never cease praying for those who seek your aid
Glory ... now and ever ...
O pure unwedded Virgin Theotokos
the only intercessor and protection of the faithful
Deliver those who trust in thee from affliction and calamity//
and save our souls by your holy intercessions.
Second Kathisma
Tone 3
Today the demons groan and the godless powers quake with fear
For the victorious Hieromartyr John receives his crown
A light they believed to be extinguished
Now shines like the sun upon all the world
Gleaming with the never-setting light of God's Glory
Against which no darkness can prevail//
0 Christ God glorious in Your saints glory to You
Glory ... now and ever ...
Awed by the beauty of your virginity
and the exceeding radiance of your purity,
Gabriel stood amazed and cried to you, O Theotokos:
What praise may I offer thee that is worthy of your beauty?
By what name shall I call you?
I am lost and bewildered;
but l shall greet you as I was commanded//
`Hail, you who are full grace!'
We magnify you, O holy Hieromartyr John of Chicago; and we honor
your holy memory,
for you pray to Christ our God for us.
v. Hear this O nations, give ear O inhabitants of the earth.
Third Kathisma
Tone 4
Let us the faithful exalt in glory
For our beloved Father John has been glorified
He who led us on the path of salvation
Now has attained salvation
He now stands in the presence of the Great High Priest//
To whom he ceaselessly prays for our souls
Glory ... now and ever ...
O Virgin all-pure who gave birth to Eternal God
with the Hieromartyr John beseech him to grant unto us remission of
and amendment of life before the end;
for we praise thee with faith and with love, O all-praised Virgin
Tone 4
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
Verse: What shall I render unto the Lord for all bounty to me?
Psalm 50(51)
Glory ... Tone 6.
Through the intercessions of the Hieromartyr John of Chicago, O
merciful One ...
Now and ever ...
Through the intercessions attic Theotokos, O merciful One ...
Have mercy ...
Idiomelon Tone 6
Rejoice O city of Chicago
leap for joy O Tsarskoe Selo
you have shared in the blessed presence of the holy Hieromartyr John
Faithful and Righteous Priest of Christ
Zealous teacher and defender of the Truth
enlightener of the confused, consoler of the distraught
and rescuer of those gone astray
True shepherd and pastor of the Flock of Christ
Who with the holy Patriarch Tikhon and the holy Hieromartyr
illumined North America with the rays of Orthodoxy
And struggled unto death in defense of the Faith in Russia against
the godless pow'rs//
With them he prays for the peace of the world and the salvation of
our souls.
Tone 6
Ode 1:
Crossing the deep on foot as flit were thy 1anc the people of Israel
saw Pharaoh
their pursuer drowning in the waves, and they cried aloud: Let us
sing a song of
victory to God.
Refrain: O holy Hieromartyr John of Chicago, pray unto God for us.
The hands that administered the Sacraments were not raised in anger.
Nor did the lips which preach the Gospel invoke curses. For you O
Father John bore your suffering as a true imitator of Christ. And
now you stand before the Throne of God in glory.
As one of few laborers in the vineyard of America. You tirelessly
traversed the land, sowing and cultivating the seeds of Orthodoxy.
Your labor complete you have received your just wage. Eternal life
in the company of the Saints.
Glory ... now and ever ...
The sacred choir of the prophets have, from afar, shown you, O pure
one, as one that was to become the Mother of God, higher than the
cherubim and all created things.
Ode 3:
O Lord my God, there is none holy as You, Who in Your love have
raised up the horn of Your faithful and established them upon the
rock of Your True Faith.
Refrain: O holy Hieromartyr John of Chicago, pray unto God for us.
You are a true emulator of the prophets O Holy Priest John. For you
struggled to preserve your people in the true faith amidst a land of
strange beliefs. And like the prophets you 'were rejected and killed
by your countrymen; and now stand before the Cherubic Throne, while
your murderers stand condemned.
You are like a new Zechariah, P Holy Priest John. For you were born
to. a priestly family. You zealously and humbly followed you sacred
calling. And like the Prophet, you were martyred while performing
your priestly service.
You who offered the Bloodless Sacrifice, have become a bloodied
sacrifice. Fully imitating the Lord whom you serve.
Glory ... now and ever ...
O pure one, to understand the unspeakable depths of your Birthgiving
the mind of man is incapable. For God having humbled Himself in His
compassion has utterly renewed rue in your womb.
Ode 4:
'Christ is my strength, my God and Lord,' with reverence sings the
Holy Church, raising her voice in purity and keeping feast in the
Refrain: O holy Hieromartyr John of Chicago, pray unto God for us.
As a priest you were given the consecrated Lamb and made a steward
of the Body of Christ. You were warned to care for it, that you
would have to give an account of your stewardship at the Judgment
Seat. Now you stand before the Lamb, tested and proved, as a good
and faithful steward of His Body.
Like a gardener you cultivated the vine planted in our land by God.
Now we, the fruit of that vine, honor your holy memory
You are a true disciple of Christ O Hieromartyr. For you showed your
faith not only in sermons, sacraments, and fasting. But in your care
for those who came to you, in fulfillment of Christ's command.
Glory ... now and ever ...
The ancestor's curse has been done away with by you, O Mother of
God; for you, O most pure one, have brought forth unto us the.
Source of Holiness-- the ever-abiding Light.
Ode 5:
1 entreat You, gracious Lord, with Your divine light shine upon the
souls of those who with love seek you early in the morning. May they
know You, Word of God, as God in very truth, Who recalls them from
the gloomy darkness of transgression.
Refrain: O holy Hieromartyr John of Chicago, pray unto God for us.
You traversed the Midwest like a sower traversing a fertile field.
Sowing the seeds of Orthodoxy, in the land of North America.
Your devotion to God knows no boundary or place. For like the
Apostles before you, you traversed the world, spreading the Gospel
of Salvation
Surrounded by strange and corrupted doctrines you strove diligently
to implant in your people, the knowledge and beauty of the True
Faith. So that not one sheep would be lost from Christ's Flock.
Glory ... now and ever ...
After your strange birthgiving, your remained Virgin, for it was God
who was born of you, Who does all things as He wills, O unwedded
Mary, the Bride of God.
Ode 6:
When I behold the swelling sea of life and the tempest of
temptation, I am to Your calm haven and I cry to You. Bring up my
life from corruption, O Most Merciful.
Refrain: O holy Hieromartyr John of Chicago, pray unto God for us.
The light of your virtues is blinding to those who prefer the
darkness. Having killed you they believed your light to be gone
forever. But instead you now radiate with the unfading light of God,
upon all the world.
To your inhuman persecutors you were no better than a dog. But to
us, the faithful, you are a true image of Christ. A pure lamb, led
innocently to the slaughter.
Faced with godless wickedness you prayed not for divine retribution.
But rather for divine mercy, both for the righteous and the wicked.
Glory ... now and ever ...
O Most Holy Theotokos, the Word came to dwell in your virginal womb,
and appeared as a perfect man, ineffably renewing the race of man as
Tone 3
Now the holy Hieromartyr is glorified;
for he took up his cross and followed Christ/
In so doing he gave us a model of true discipleship/
therefore let us cry aloud to him; saying:
'Rejoice, O Father John. the glory of priests!'
In America you worked tirelessly to implant the Orthodox faith
throughout the land. You taught the faith to the catechumens and the
unlearned faithful, both young and old. You preached the good news.
Imparted the Sacraments of the Church. Aided those in need. Reunited
those from the Unia. Upon returning to Russia, you continued your
good works. When the land was beset by strife. You prayed not for
earthly victory but heavenly peace. For this you were put to a
gruesome death by the godless. But we the faithful enlightened by
your words and deeds cry in thanksgiving: 'Rejoice, O Father-John,
the glory of priests'
Ode 7An angel made the furnace moist with dew for the holy Children,
but the Chaldean were consumed in flames by Gods command, so that
the tyrant cried aloud: O God of our fathers, blessed are You.
Refrain: O holy Hieromartyr John of Chicago, pray unto God for us.
The holy hierarchs Tikhon and Raphael with the holy priests Alexis
and Alexander; were your co-laborers in the North American mission,
O holy John. And now you stand with them in heavenly glory Having
firmly established the Orthodox Faith in the New World.
To a diverse and strange land you brought absolute Truth. With this
as your anchor, you helped your people weather tempest of false
The Father, the Son; and the Holy Spirit; the Holy Trinity. The One
True God Whom you serve. And in Whose Name you erected a temple. In
which generations of the faithful have been nurtured in the True
Glory ... now and ever ...
O most pure Maiden, the uncontainable One who dwells eternally in
the bosom of the Father came to dwell in your womb, bearing your
image, for he came to save the race of Adam.
Ode 8
You have made dew fall from the flames upon the holy Children, and
You have burnt up with water the sacrifice of Your righteous
servant. For You, O Christ, do accomplish all things by Your will
alone, and we magnify You unto all ages.
Refrain: O holy Hieromartyr John of Chicago, pray unto God for us.
Like Moses in the wilderness, you erected a tabernacle to God. A
place of spiritual refuge and nourishment, in a wilderness of
strange doctrines
You were devoted to God from youth up. Thus, when called upon, you
willingly became a divine instrument. In which Christ revealed the
true image of saintliness.
Refrain: Let us bless Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Lord
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; One God in nature, yet
three in Persons. This is the True God you preached. This is the
True God you served in all those you met. This is the True God for
whom you gave your life.
Glory ... now and ever ...
Your birthgiving has freed us from the ancient curse, O
most-blessed, grace-filled Maiden, and we send up unto you the
greeting of Gabriel: Rejoice, O cause of the salvation of all.
We praise, bless and worship the Lord.
Ode 9
No one is able to see God, upon whom the ranks of angels dare not
gaze; yet though you. all pure Virgin, the Word took flesh and
showed himself to men. With all the hosts of heaven we magnify Him
and we call You blessed.
Refrain: O holy Hieromartyr John of Chicago, pray unto God for us.
You once lead the faithful in singing hymns of praise to God. Now
you sing the Triumphant Hymn with the Angelic Choir. O Holy Father
John, intercede that we may be made worthy of the same.
Like a parent seeking a lost child, you sought those estranged from
the True Faith. Reuniting them with their brothers and sisters in
Chicago or Tsarskoe Selo mattered little to you O glorious Saint
John. For in your heart you always longed for your true home, the
New Jerusalem on high.
Glory ... now and ever ....
By your miraculous icons of Sitka, Cicero, and Tikhvin you have
bestowed blessings on our land, O Most Holy Theotokos. With
thanksgiving we entreat you to continue to watch over us. And with
our Holy Father John, intercede with your Son and our God, that our
souls may be saved.
Tone 3 (with Canobarch)
Today Chicago and Tsarskoe Selo join in exaltation
For their beloved Father John is now crowned with glory by God
He was a zealous laborer in Christ's vineyard
Cultivating it by his words and deeds
In his final moments on earth
He nourished his beloved vineyard with his own blood.//
Now he nourishes it by his prayers to Christ the Gardener.
Tone 8
To whom shall we compare you O Hieromartyr John
Zechariah, for you are the illustrious fruit of a priestly family
Solomon, for you erected a great temple to God
Moses, for you lead your people through a wilderness
Noah, for you preserved your people amidst a flood of destruction
The Myrrhbearers, for even in the darkest hour you did not forsake
Or Stephen, for you did not allow your persecutors to silence you.//
O Righteous Father pray that we may emulate your virtuous life.
What shall we call you, O Holy Father John:
Lampstand, for you held up the light of Christ for all to see
River, for you nourished our land by your words and deeds
Beacon, for you guided those surrounded by darkness
Lamb, for as such you went innocently to the slaughter
Or Cornerstone for you were rejected//
And now you serve as a firm foundation for the faithful
What title shall we give you, O Holy John of Chicago:
Confessor, for you proclaimed the Gospel amidst great hardships and
Teacher, for you instructed us in divine Truths
Mentor, for you give us an example of a righteous and virtuous life
Guardian Angel, for you watch over us and intercede to God for us
Or Shepherd, for you defended your flock even unto death//
O Holy Priest pray to God for the salvation of those who honor you.
With what hymns of praise shall we honor you O Righteous one
For as a hen gathers its brood beneath her wings
So you gathered the faithful entrusted to you
Nourishing and sustaining them in Orthodox Faith
And when confronted by those who would devour them
You gave up your life so that they may live.//
O Holy Father John continue watch and protect us your spiritual
Glory ... Tone 2
Today the choir of saintly Priests rejoices
For another is added to their company
The glorious missionary and Hieromartyr John
Glory of Chicago and Tsarskoe Selo
He who once preached the Word of God to the faithful
Now stands before the Word of God incarnate
He who once nourished the faithful with the Holy Mysteries
Now is nourished at the Heavenly Banquet
He who once comforted the distraught and needy
Now enjoys the comfort of the Heavenly Mansions
He who proclaimed the victory over evil and death by Christ's death
Now shares in that victory through his own death
He who once interceded with the Saints To him intercession now is
He who once prayed to God for his flock
Continues to do so that our souls may be saved.
Now and ever... Tone 2 (on Sun: You are Most Blessed O Virgin … )
O Theotokos Mother of the Great High Priest
Ideal of Christians and Pride of the Martyrs
We your servants implore you
together with the holy Hieromartyr John of Chicago//
to intercede with your Son and God to save our souls.
The Divine Liturgy
Prokeimenon, Tone 8
Thy saints shall exalt in glory; they shall sing for joy on their
Verse: Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise in the assembly of
the Saints.
2 Tim. 2:1-10
Alleluia, Tone 2
Thy priests shall clothe themselves with righteousness; and thy
saints shall rejoice.
Verse: For the Lord hath elected Zion; He hath chosen Her for His
Jn. 10:9-16
Communion, Psalm 11 1:6, 7
The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance; He shall not fear
evil tidings.
Old Testament Readings (Paremii)
Wisdom 3:1-9
[l] But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and no
torment will ever touch them. In the eyes of the foolish they seemed
to have died, and their departure was thought to be an affliction,
and their going from us to be their destruction; but they are at
peace. For though in the. sight of men they were punished, their
hope is full of immortality. Having been disciplined a little, they
will receive great good, because God tested there and found them
worthy of himself; like gold in the furnace he tried them, and like
a sacrificial burnt offering he accepted them. In the time of their
visitation they will shine forth, and will run like sparks through
the stubble. They will govern nations and rule over peoples, and the
Lord will reign over them forever. Those who trust in him will
understand truth, and the faithful will abide with him in love,
because grace and mercy are upon his elect, and he watches over his
holy ones.
Prov. 10:31-11:10
[31] The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but the
perverse tongue will be cut off. The lips of the righteous know what
is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked, what is. perverse.
[Prov. 11:1] A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a
just weight is his delight. When pride comes, then comes disgrace;
but with the humble is wisdom. The integrity of the upright guides
them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them. Riches
do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from
death. The righteousness of the blameless keeps his way straight,
but the wicked falls by his own wickedness. The righteousness of the
upright delivers them, but the treacherous are taken captive by
their lust. When the wicked dies, his hope perishes, and the
expectation of the godless comes to naught. The righteous is
delivered from trouble, and the wicked gets into it instead. With
his mouth the godless man would destroy his neighbor, but by
knowledge the righteous are delivered. When it goes well with the
righteous, the city rejoices; and when the wicked perish there are
shouts of gladness.
Wis.4: 7-15
[7] But the righteous man, though he die early, will be at rest. For
old age is not honored for length of time, nor measured by number of
years; but understanding is gray hair for men, and a blameless life
is ripe old age. There was one who pleased God and was loved by him,
and while living among sinners he was taken up. He was caught up
lest evil change his understanding or guile deceive his soul. For
the fascination of wickedness obscures what is good, and roving
desire perverts the innocent mind. Being perfected in a short time,
he fulfilled long years; for his soul was pleasing to the Lord,
therefore he took him quickly from the midst of wickedness. Yet the
peoples saw and did not understand, nor take such a thing to heart,
that God's grace and mercy are with his elect, and he watches over
his holy ones.
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